Installing Mumble

There are two packages. One is gtk-gui - this is the GUI framework, based heavily on the framework in the Tk browser, but somewhat chopped about. The other is Mumble itself, which contains all the browser-specific classes. You also want packages.xml

The current versions are here: gtk-gui-0.13.tgz mumble-0.13.tgz packages.xml

Copy all files to a convenient location and unpack both packages. For convenience, create symlinks for the newly created directories.

ln -s gtk-gui-0.13 gtk-gui
ln -s mumble-0.13 mumble

If you copy an image file into this directory, you can now load and run Mumble from the Smalltalk prompt:

$ gst -gI
GNU Smalltalk ready
st> PackageLoader fileInPackage: 'Run-Mumble'!

Having demonstrated that it works, you can save time by saving an image:

$ gst -gI
GNU Smalltalk ready
st> PackageLoader fileInPackage: 'Mumble'!
...many messages...
st> ObjectMemory snapshot: '' quit!

You can then start it in many ways. For example:

echo PackageLoader fileInPackage: \'Run-Mumble\'\! | gst -gI